If you care to establish your story as a brand integrated with the strongest sports growth story of a generation, this is your time to act.

World Cup 2026 will be soccer’s biggest moment ever in the United States and it is coming at the absolute perfect time. At a time in which soccer’s popularity is surging (expecting a 33% increase in fandom – upwards of 30M more fans – between now and the end of 2026), we find ourselves in a uniquely advantageous sports marketing position. As category exclusivities continue to mount, waiting until Summer 2024 will jeopardize your shot at maximizing this opportunity; 4 months from now might even be too late.


Equally important, there is no ‘one size fits all’ partnership plan for the most watched sporting event in the world.  Investing in the rising tide of soccer is obvious, understanding how to capitalize on it is not.

For the first time, there will be five unique tiers that have their own perks and marketing capabilities. It will be crucial to identify the right World Cup tier and partnership plan for your brand’s objectives.



If 96M+ Americans, 63M+ Mexicans, and 16M+ Canadians tuned in to the Qatar WC, imagine what will happen when North American hosts 104 games, 7.3M attendees in our countries’ best stadiums, and the world stops to watch the biggest tournament on the planet. While a global partnership for the tournament (whose final match gets 7X the viewership of the Super Bowl) might be out of budget, connecting with the right communities, with the right strategy for your brand’s goals, is imperative.

We have outlined some of the basics of the partnership options. Feel free to reach out if you’d like more information about the World Cup or the sponsorship landscape.


Tier 1 – International

An international FIFA Partnership is one of the most expensive sponsorship packages in sports, but it brings tremendous value for the brands that are able and willing to make the investment. If the sticker shock isn’t prohibitive for your brand, then it’s worth exploring your options when it comes to global visibility.


Tier 2 – Continental

The unique 3-country host structure for the upcoming World Cup creates plenty of opportunity for brands that aren’t as interested in global rights, but that want to increase name recognition and market share closer to home.


Tier 3 – National

Soccer fan or not, American sports fans love to rally around their national teams, and a partnership with the U.S. Soccer Federation would give rights to both teams (men’s and women’s), providing an opportunity to show your support of U.S. soccer and the causes they endorse.


Tier 4 – Local

Despite nearly 100 years of history, the World Cup continues to innovate, and this new partnership tier is a perfect example. These packages allow brands to engage directly with one of the 12 host city markets. They come with fewer rights than higher tiers, but consequently require a smaller investment.


Tier 5 – Alternative

Creative marketers can always find other ways to get involved in the moment, especially with an event as monumental as the 2026 World Cup. One priority that Navigate has emphasized with clients is the need to match your partnership investment with your broader business objectives. Whether that’s getting in on the soccer trend by partnering with your local MLS team, or working with a key group of athlete endorsers, there will be no shortage of opportunities for involvement.

The next 3 years are critical as you begin to lay the groundwork for your World Cup story within the fabric of the rising tide in soccer. Showing up late to the party won’t get you results.

Navigate is set to publish a multi-part part series to identify which partnership options fit your objectives, how to maximize the next 3 years, the scope and scale of the World Cup, and how to approach measurement for this event. Unlike others in the space, Navigate has no incentives to advise on one option vs. another. As an industry leading brand consultancy, we aim to bring the foremost expertise to your brand, guiding you through management of all phases of the partnership internally. The soccer space is ripe with opportunity, and building your strategic roadmap through this monumental moment in American sports is what we do best.

For more information, please reach out to Kevin Kane and AJ Maestas (Kevin@NVGT.com + AJ@NVGT.com).