Snapchat, a photo sharing application that allows users to send and receive self-destroying photos, is making adjustments to its “Live” story feature. The social mobile app’s “Live” feed allows users to look into live events all around the world. These events range from the “Running of the Bulls” in Spain to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign here in the United States. Snapchat users are able to contribute to the story if they are within a certain radius of the promoted Snapchat event or location. These live stories are available to “snapchatters” for a 24 hour period, and then disappear into Snapchat’s uncharted and obscure digital “black hole.” Recently, when viewing a story, users have been coming across advertisements on these live feeds. The “Tokyo Story,” for example, displayed a 10 second trailer sponsoring Universal’s new movie MinionsSnapchat charges 2 cents for every advertisement view. And with over 100 million snapchatters out there, there is potential for a “Live” story to generate $2 million worth of ad space.